Hot off 'The Children's Press'

This week, we publish Issue 2 of The Children’s Press; a magazine created by children from our partnered schools for older people in their local communities. You can read an online version of it here.

Last year, we released Issue 1 of The Children’s Press during the winter lockdown, hoping to bring a smile to older generations’ faces at a difficult time. This year, as we tentatively look towards the end of the pandemic, the theme of Issue 2 is the future. In one feature, the children share their personal goals for 2022; in another, they consider the wider issues that we ought to tackle in the year to come. The children envisage a more supportive and sustainable world, in which we turn our backs on racism and climate change. We hope the magazine’s readers are left feeling like the future is in good hands! Alongside these features are drawings and puzzles that have been masterminded by our 8-year-old contributors, designed to keep our older readers busy on cold afternoons indoors.  

The magazine will be distributed to older people in the sheltered schemes and communities that we work with over the coming weeks. Meanwhile, at InCommon headquarters, we are beginning to look to the spring, and the prospect of recommencing some face-to-face work in the great outdoors. We hope to bring generations together in nature; let’s see what flowers and friendships we can grow in the months ahead!